Monday, November 25, 2013

I'm only human

You'll never know how much you love someone until reality strikes you that you might lose them one day. #currentthought

Things change and we are no one to decide for the future. We can plan, but not everything will fall into it's place. Sometimes someone important in your life just fall sick? You want to do something to reduce their sufferings but you have limits and you feel helpless.
All you can do is.. pray? Sigh.


So recently I received hate from this anonymous saying that I'm being arrogant about my wealth. I usually dgaf but I didn't know why, this issue somehow made me reflect about myself. Am I showing off? What am I showing off? The pictures of nice food? Do I look so rich that people label me as cocky?
I've had my moment and thought about these questions for awhile, and I concluded that

No, I'm not fucking rich.
I do not consider myself poor but not to the extend that I call myself rich. I'm moderate.
I only suppose that I'm the only child so I get more things? But my parents work very hard and I only use their money moderately.
I just invest most of my monthly allowance in getting food.
I don't even buy a lot of new clothes or expensive things. Just besides food.
I wait for sales to buy the things I like.
Everything I share online, is because I am happy and I appreciate the moments. Not because I want to make others jealous.
I'm not boasting nor showing off. I know there are people who might not get the things they want, therefore I'm very grateful for the things I have. 
You only see the happy/enjoyable/good times of me because I can't possibly share pictures of myself crying and sulking and shits okay.
If you happen to be one of them who thinks I'm showing off my wealth, I'd ask you to stop assuming because you're not me. If not, delete/block/unfollow me from your social media, or tell me personally, not telling the world anonymously on how much you are not satisfied with my activities online. :)

Other than that, Happy Holidays!
May God bless you and your loved ones with good health, good relationships and more. x

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Short trips

@rawrdoubler's fam bam decided to have this yacht* thingy and we (@diamondlightss, @horchee and @weeengyueloke) were invited to go for this little one day trip. Hahahh.

(I don't know what's wrong with me and the tags. #instagram #madness. :O)

We were so hardworking that we went to Pangkor after school (it's a great achievement ok). Tapao-ed McD and had a feast in the car on the way to the uhm jetty for private *yachts? Yeah. It felt like adventure when we first arrived. You know where girls go for road trips or related stuffs together and you do nothing but being girls. Haha. :)
That cruise was cun. 1 master bedrooms and 2 smaller ones. Then kitchen, toilet, living room, deck etc. FELT rich all of a sudden. XD

My girls looking hot. ;) 
And yeah this was the lil jetty. There were people having a wedding photo shoot.. Of all places..

Trips aren't trips when you don't take selcas. :P

Everybody does that. But our homie here does it happily. #notmainstream

This is just an ordinary picture but I somehow learn from it.
There were birds around taking advantage from this act. They dive into the waters and catch the fishes in the net, even with competition from other birds and might drown themselves. 
Well, no pain, no gain.

Fav group picture.
My girls and I. <3 <3

Another shot of a beautiful silhouette. #musthave
The lights from the land and the moon in the sky looks so good together. :) 

It has been months since I've last been on a cruise, in the middle of the sea, with breeze in the air and wind hitting on my body. Reminds me so much about my Thailand trip. Such beautiful places I was at. Grateful for what I have and all great things that has happened to me. :) 

Then one day. Mun just randomly called us out for basketball. 
I've never played basketball in my entire life and woohoo. Not bad la first attempt. But this part of me shouts like mad. Its not done voluntarily! D: 
Hahahah but it was nice. I enjoy the game. Hehehe. Then we went for dim sum. Woohoo. Input more than output. But if you don't have output at all, the input is gonna double. (I hope you know what I mean). Didn't take any pictures during the meal because we were all too hungry. We went like "OH FOOD. *NOMNOMNOMNOM*" 

Meet my friends who are as retarded as I am. :'D

Yays to people who are at the back seat. Hahahhahahah.

And then, I actually have a date with CheeSan after not meeting her for months. Since she's back to Ipoh from KL, I thought it would be nice to meet her up hehe. Plus, she doesn't come back to Ipoh that often compared to the others and she doesn't know about the new stuffs in Ipoh (so pitiful hahaha), I decided to bring her around town.

First stop : Harold's Bread.
I was a bit disappointed because their food wasn't that fresh. :(

Second stop : Thean Chun. 
1 bowl of chicken hor fun which costs RM4.50 to be shared among 4 person. Haha. :P

3rd stop : Patisserie Boutique. 
Full house so we didn't get to try any of the food. But the service there was okay. Hehe.

4th stop : Roquette Cafe.
This bottle of passionfruit flavored sparkling juice costs RM11. When it only costs RM8 next door @ Patisserie Boutique. #oops

Tbh, we went to so many places for the sake of going. We were goddamn full but hahaha, God knows what we had on our minds. :P
It was a good day spent. I personally, was dead tired. And FULL! 

CheeSan! Who apparently looks alike to me (said everyone) -.-
Hope to visit her at KL soon. Hehe.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Manis Enambelas

Thursday 31/10

Was waiting for this day to come for so long. Exam ended and finally a long weekend to laze around. And so, Sek Sam Nee picked JiaQi, ChiYi and I after school. Headed to STG for lunch (and I only thought it was for lunch). Haha.
After main course, I wanted to try on the desserts (as always). I ordered this and everyone seemed indifferent.. I didn't know why until I get to know that they bought me a cake. :3 I likey them as they whispered me a birthday song. :'D

But anyway this was good. Tiramisu. RM15, I think.

I was really surprised cause I had no idea when they brought this in to the restaurant. *clap clap*

I look slim omg hahahahaha. :3

Thank you to all these sweethearts for the surprise advanced birthday lunch. :D <3
Very much appreciated! :)

Friday 1/11

I don't really remember what I did this day.. Only remembered having dinner with my dad and grandparents. Then dad sent me to Siewseem's place and wished me Happy Advanced Birthday before heading back to SG for work. :/ Hmm I don't think I've celebrated my birthday with him throughout the years.. But well, it's the thought that counts! :)

It was about 10.30 when we went out and meet Weng. It was just a meet up and drink and chill.
First stop; History. I don't really like that place now. So boring compared to BnB. :p

Yays to SiewSeem's long hands! 
Hahahha because mine is never long enough to take a shot like that. :p

SiewSeem bought me a slice of rainbow cake and we decided not to eat it at History to avoid the DJ from playing me a birthday song. Haha so we headed to Weng's Haagen Daz @ Kinta Riverfront. There weren't a lot of people so it made the ambience really romantic and soothing. :D
Both of them knew how much I think receiving a birthday song from someone is very awkward yet, they sang it at the top of their voice. Hahaha. We ate the cake and a scoop of ice cream together and took pictures (again) lol.

My face^ is due to the wishes I made for both of my darlings. ;)

So many hands in the picture. Hahaha.

Weng Weng. :3


On the way home, we passed my Little India and I asked SiewSeem if she wants to have henna.
Without a second thought, she parked the car and we headed down for Henna. At 12.30 midnight. Hahhaha so spontaneously crazy. 
It was my first time having henna, decided to have it on my palm as I was afraid to get myself into trouble in school. :p Both of us had the same pattern. Hehe. It was instantly done within 5-7 minutes per hand. Super efficient. 

Have a look on my fat hand and Ss' slim hand (ohmyenglish).
It was RM10 per hand btw. You can actually buy the ink (or whatever you call it) to do it for yourself. It is A LOT cheaper. But we the lazy people was lazy so.. whatudo? :P
It was dried within an hour but we were told not to erase until the next day but aiya. Ain't nobody got time for that. :p
It turned out like that ^

But it gets darker the next morning ^ haha.

Saturday 2/11

I went for this deepavali open house with fellow GenY people (after so long of not meeting them) :D

Then I went to Steven for his first F5 modmaths class. *phew* I am aware that I need to focus on my studies so much more because with the results that I've been achieving, I'm no good. Bless me? :)

Later at night, JiaQi picked me up from home to attend Lavishya's open house. (I am so thankful for people who stays near me and is willing to carpool hehe). And two open houses in a day! Feeling so fat :O I borrowed a set of saree for the event but, hahahahaididn'tknowhowtotiethesaree. So I only wore it at Lavishya's place with the help of her mum and grandma hahahah. :P but well, the outcome wasn't that bad la. 

So matching :3 Heheheh Alyssa, my grizzly bear. :D

Sunday 3/11

Had a birthday lunch with the fam bam @ Yum Yum. Hehe. Everyone was busy teasing me for stupid things hahaha. My aunts are like so wild till my mum also no eyes see. :p
There were not any pictures cause my mum took pictures and she lost her phone! :( (screw whoever who took her phone. I feel really sad for her cause it's the memories/pictures/contacts in the phone that matters). Ah well, let bygones be bygones. :/

Spend the rest of the day at home and then later went out to Plan B for my advanced birthday bash. :)
One thing to laugh about : I told everyone that the dinner starts at 7. And I reached at 7.40pm with 3 people there. Hahahha. Malaysians are goddamn unpunctual!! :'D

People started coming one by one and what made me happiest was the presence of LIEW NYIT LENG!! Oh dear. It's been yearssss since I last seen her. Every single time we plan to meet up but end up failing. And think itik lied to me that she couldn't make it back to Ipoh. I seriously was disappointed already.. until I saw this crazily skinny girl in red running in, trying to hide from me. XD
I was really happy with everyone present there. It was a small group (personally) and I feel comfortable with everyone there. Hehe.

My dearest Kiew comes up with awesome idea to surprise me every year. Last year was a rainbow cake. Tbh, they made the rainbow cake before any other cafes did. Trend setter whey. ;) Well this year, they knew I didn't want a cake cause everyone won't finish up the cake and yeah, she and Mun made me a jelly! :3

Loves <3 <3

Cross section of the jelly. Haha. 
Strawberries; peaches; pineapples; kiwis; blueberries + love. :3

Took polaroids and a lot of pictures (what we people, especially girls do). These are my personal favorites hehehe. :3
Blur but everyone was so happy! :)

Our kissy face bring the boys to the yard. :'D


This, is classic. Hhahahha.
With two of the smallest eyed humans. - - 

Mun, Kiew, Nyit Leng and I headed for the second round @ BnB.
So rare to have a chance to go out with Nyit and we went all out. Lololol :p
Ordered 3 full pints of Kilkenny for Mun, Kiew and I. Nyit was just sitting there.. probably thinking how badass her friends became. D: (haha jokes) What was unexpected was the vodka shots that Mun ordered for me. Oh dear Lord. One shot down and it burns my throat.. I started getting tipsy. But well, I'm alright hahahah. New experience ma. :p

Then headed to OTK Studio @ Greentown for karaoke session! 12am - 2am. I wonder why I was still energetic hahahah. Sang like mad till I can't feel my voice already. Haha.
It was really enjoyable hanging with these bunch of friends. :) <3

When Mun was refilling petrol. And I was being a little lame and high and whatever you call it.

I look okay with specs right? Haha.

Monday 4/11

Slept at 3.30 the night before at Kiew's place and woke up at 7.30 with a slight hangover.
Edwin picked us up for this Respect Workshop at SMK Kg Dato Ahmad Said, Manjoi.

Banana leaf rice @ Sri Ananda's. In love with the cheese nun. 

You have no idea how much I 'enjoyed' throughout the movie. I covered my eyes and ears for 2 hours. Totally closed my eyes during the scary parts to avoid post-symptoms hahhaa. My curiosity killed the cat. Wanna know what happened next but didn't dare to watch. Pfft.

I'm really thankful for everyone who took time to celebrate with me and even those who send me wishes on Facebook, Whatsapp etc. All these made me feel appreciated. :)
Once again, thanks everyone for making my sixteen birthday a blast! Hehehe. God bless you <3