Friday, October 25, 2013


Ah so long didn't blog. (I say this so often, it should be my compulsory phrase every time I blog. Haha jokes)
Well, due to the finals of course. 2 more major subjects to go!! But darn, I'm already in the holiday mood. :( I'm pretty sure I'm gonna fail addmaths. And if I don't, it's a miracle (literally). Lol.

Happy 18th Birthday to Lee Jroe Phin! (nope she's not gonna read this but well. free world haha)
Time flies. It seems like it was last week when we celebrated her birthday last year. In a blink of an eye, so much things has changed. I sang her a song on whatsapp and started spilling out wishes in chinese. Made a fool out of myself but good that she laughed. :)

I started reminiscing about a lot of things (I always #throwback). How relationships among friends change due to the situation they are in. New environment, new friends, new relationships, new adaptions, new target in life, new habits, new 'old friends'. People get so caught up with all these new things and without them realizing, they forget old things. Oh well, who in the world isn't like that? Can't blame anything/anyone. It's the way of life? But well, life for the moment. Because at the end of the day, you're gonna regret the things you didn't have the courage to do. Like me. :)
Sometimes we have to stop expecting to actually be happy. Once saw this 'equation of happiness'  on the internet; "HAPPINESS = REALITY - EXPECTATIONS". We often expect, and assume. That's basically what brings us down when these expectations can't be achieved.
I miss how close (some of) my friends and I used to be. All these memories are revived through pictures. So this is why, I love taking pictures. :) It's the only thing that doesn't change when everything else does. I'll remember what we did, what things were said, what stupid shit we were laughing about, the place we were at, that look on his/her face and apparently, everything. (I wonder how can I remember so many things without putting effort in it and not when it comes to studies). And all these shall only remain in the heart, to be cherished and appreciated. For me, it takes one song, one picture to actually get myself 'in the mood'. Aiya emotional girl alert. :p
It's so hard to self-motivate but you know you somehow need to do it.

Somethings wrong with me. I'm over the limit of fangirling about Chi Lam. Somebody safe me. Somebody accompany me to watch him sing at Genting. Somebody.

Look at his swaggggg. Oh dear save me I can't breathe.

Look at that charming smile. Those cute dimples. (I have a fetish on guys with dimples lol)
 I'm gonna faint.

I don't know what's wrong with me like seriously. I don't normally fangirl. And when I do, I'm over the board. QWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNM.

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