Sunday, September 29, 2013


As I said.

Tadaaaaa. Last night's group picture! :) credits to Chor.


Today I am unproductively happy. Quite hard to describe the feeling I am feeling but ahhaha. :D

1, I'm feeling better now (as in my body is recovering). Eye no longer swell that much. A little feverish but nah I guess I'm fine.
2, went out (again) with SiewSeem. Hahaha. And today, with this someone special, Tan Weng Foong!
3, visited two new cafes in town!! Hehehe so happy. The Happy 8 and Roquette Cafe.
The Happy 8 was quite hard to find as it doesn't have a signboard. But it has a gigantic wooden door for you to spot. Ahaha. The food there was okay. I love the deco there! Wood themed. Well I still wonder how much trees were cut down for that building. :p it's still under renovation for the hotel section. But it's worth a visit!

Weng is so skinny liao. Aiks. When is my turn to be skinny?? Hahaha. 

Second round at Roquette Cafe which is just next to Burps and Giggles. White themed and is DAP based. They serve typical cafe stuffs. Eg : pies, scones, macaroons, cakes etc. But I tried this Panna Cotta and I find it interesting. Haha. :) 

Lemon cheese cake & blueberry Panna Cotta.
It's a small shop and therefore, you might have to wait. Don't go if you're in a hurry. Haha. 

4, we were so retarded I don't know how to handle my own retardness. We humiliated ourselves by shooting an instavid. View on my Instagram if interested. Lol. Recorded with SiewSeem's phone but she did not save it! And WengFoong left! So I called him to come back and shoot the vid again hahahahaha. I had no idea why he agreed to come back but he did. Oh dear Lord. Epic shitzzzz. 
5, since both of them are currently in Sunway, KL, I'm planning to visit them after trials! Hahaha. That'd be fun omg. So many friends in KL to be visited. Can't wait for the term to end! Ahhhh.

I should have wore blue as well.. To not look so contra. :p

Oh how I love being retarded. Hahaha. :'D

Double Weng alerttttt! 

6, it nice seeing Weng (we call each other Weng) again. Soooooo long since we hang out and talked and laughed together. No worries nor frustrations. Lots of memories flashing back and I remember how we first met and how our friendship bonded within a short period of time. But well, people go apart after high school. I can only say every friendship needs effort to keep strong. Not by one, but both parties to commit themselves for the friendship. I'm happy we've came this far. :) plenty more years of friendship to come! Same goes to SiewSeem. She has been fetching me from/back home so much recently. So thankful for that. :3 
7, last but not least, had Japanese food with mum. Nomnomnom. So much good food in a day! #blessed. Oh hash tags don't work here but who cares? #notme. Hahahha.

Signing off. :)

Saturday, September 28, 2013

I'm not dead, yet

After not blogging for weeks. Just so you know, this blog is not abandoned, yet. Hahahaa.
I've been darn busy lately. Gradnite preps, Interact stuffs, school and all. Phew. It was so hectic I got myself sick. :(( hope to get well soon. Finals are around the corner. Aihhh.

Anyways, I'd like to blog about some memorable events within these two weeks. :)

Went out with SiewSeem who came back from KL last week! 
Picked up Ssn from her house and headed to Ss' house which is very near my place. Initially planned to only eat her cupcakes, but ended up going everywhere. Haha.

Sky Lounge. Their first time there. :)
We had a glass of Mai Tai and Tequila Sunrise. I can say they sucked, it's nothing compared to those served in that bar at Thailand. Ah missing that place a lot. :/ 

Then walked to McD for.. Dessert? Lava Cake and Babycino. So fatteningggggg. Their faces were so red it's surprising hahaha.
Ss drove home carefully and we just chilled in her room, talking bout life and what's not. I then went home while Ssn slept over at her place. && breakfast the day after together with two of them and Shammi! Dim summmmm at Hong Xing and not Foh San or Ming Kok or Yoke Fook Moon. Hahaha. New place, new food (what I live to). Food there was quite okay. The lau sa pao is a must-try! 


And now let's talk about something more recent! GRADNITE'13! ;D
It was cool being one of the crew. (Lol it rhymes). Got to see so many awesome faces. I get really fascinated when I see people I know suddenly dressing up so beautifully like its their wedding. But well, everything matches the theme, 'Time Of My Life'. We had quite limited time to prepare everything but I'm really happy they turned up fine. :)
I was in charged of the sound system and was given the job to deco the back drop out of a blue. It was a last minute work but I think YinNee (who was my partner) and I did a good job? Haha. It's you to comment. 

Pictures with these awesome pretty ladies last night. These were all I had as I was busy and my eye got swollen due to my fever. #badluck :( Everyone was drop dead gorgeous! Fuhh. Makes me wonder what will my year turn out to be. Hahaha. :) 
Though I suffered with my fever the whole night, I was really happy when people told me I did a great job. It makes me feel that it's worth it. Heh.

Oh oh! Congrats to SIMRAN KAUR for being the Grad Queen'13! Another librarian got the title. It has been 5/6 years that the Grad Queen happen to be a librarian. Ahhaha. Awesome coincidence! 


I was so sick I cannot even attend the Interact Seminar. Swollen eye, cough, fever and being energy-less. Lol. Therefore, I slept for the whole entire day.

Thank God after one whole day of sleep, I was in a condition good enough where I can attend Chor's gathering. She made us food and we had some catching up about each other's life. Kiew, Ssn, Zale!, Chak, ChiYan, SukYein, Soo, CheeSem and Eugenia were there. All MGSians! 

Haha. I will post the group pic when Chor does.

It was indeed nice to meet up with these people after so long of not meeting them as everyone is busy with their own thing. I'm grateful for the friendship that bonded between these friends and I. There's nothing better than a hug from the friend whom you haven't been hugging/seeing for almost a year. :) time flies!

Fingers crossed for more years of friendships to come!
And also for me, and the others who are sick due to the weather to recover like now. Lol :p

WILL blog soon. x 

Sunday, September 15, 2013


Hello fellow blog readers.

I've been sulking badly for the past week. Sorry for the negativity but well, we all have our period of time. So haha, I admit. I was pretty pessimistic.
I've been thinking bout things lately. Thinking that I am not worthy and every single shit that brings me down. Since then, I've been radiating lots of negative energy. And I know. It's. not. good.

Ah. I have to thank the few people who are always by my side, listening to all my rants, giving me love and care. Without you people, I don't think I'll be able to get out of this hole.
Most importantly, my mum who brought me to this EQ seminar, which I needed it a lot. I've been out there in the reality for too long. Haven't been listening/doing positive things for quite a while. Haven't been self-motivating as well. And I believe this is umm, quite normal for everyone? :P

After the seminar, I realized that I should increase a little more awareness towards my own acts. Be more mindful of my thoughts, words, and behavior. To most of you who doesn't know me personally, and thinks I'm and effing cocky person, I'll try to prove you wrong by.. Smiling? I know it's hard but try to not label someone by what you see. :P
I know I shouldn't only be focusing on the negatives. Instead, I shall think about the good things that have been happening for me. When I think positive, I attract positives as well. Hah Laws of Attraction. :)
I gained lots of 'protons', making myself positive. Hahhahaha. I know as time goes by, society gives me electrons. Therefore, self-motivate!! :D You (everyone of you out there), too. :)

Good day.

Thursday, September 12, 2013


Quite a number of things happened for the past few days.... till present.

1. I found out that my volleyball skills still exist.
2. New bio teacher and she's better than the previous one.
3. Some junior labelled me as "EMO".
4. The same junior cried as she claimed that I was scary (which I denied).
5. Just started studying for finals (which is not early at all because I suck badly in studies).
6. Finally talked to this friend whom I haven't been talking to for months.
7. Had no idea why I like red bean moon cake out of a blue.
8. I started working out again and I regretted stopping it months ago.
8. Totally lost my mind when this friend of mine (whom I least expect) started working out!!
9. Things feel like it went wrong. All at once. It doesn't rain but pours.
10. I feel stupid to actually treat others sincerely, whole-heartedly and get bullshit back in return.
11. Not everyone who promised to be there for you will be.
12. Do not skip recess just because you are angry. (I regretted it).
13. Sometimes it is better not to give a damn. It's not like other people gives a fuck about you.
14. Nothing is impossible.
15. I have a lot of things to be done but I'm still procrastinating.
16. My heart had been aching for unnecessary reasons.
17. I found an Eiffel Tower keychain from.. Idk who. It just happens to be in my room. Creepy.
17. Triumph In The Skies II ended and I still haven't watch the ending yet.
17. I am thinking of what to type.
18. And I do realize that the numberings are all messed up. Do you?
19. This is getting lame.
20. Bye.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Potato couching?

I've been looking at the screen since last night.
Went to the cinema for a midnight movie yesterday. It was quite exciting as I don't think I've ever done that before with my mumzeee. Hhaha.
UNBEATABLE was what we watched. Didn't have a good impression of it as I thought it was only some typical cina action movie. But darn, I was wrong. It was seriously amazing. Great story line, meaningful as well. Together with awesome actors, actresses, and those smoking hot bodies (this is just a bonus ok).

Featuring Eddie Peng & Nick Cheung.

This heartthrob is darn hot. *fangirling* 

& the girl is Crystal Lee from Malaysia. 
Her acting skills were so good she actually won an award for the movie. And she acted in a lot of movies as well! Together with Jay Chou for the previous one leh. Darn jealous she's that talented. She definitely makes us Malaysians proud! :D

I've been slacking for the whole entire day, watching Triumph In The Skies II. Omg tonight is the last ep! I know I should totally start studying now but lol, my ass is somehow attached to the couch.
Been thinking about my future a lot. Not knowing if I can reach what my parents and everybody else in the house aim for. Peer pressure. Why do they think it's darn easy to do something out of their control? Getting a scholarship is something I doubt I can, because I'm not good enough? I should start preparing a plan b if plan a doesn't work.
Well, hope for the best and prepare for the worst. That's all for now. :)

Monday, September 2, 2013

Guy bff does exist

I broke a record today. I did not tell my desk mate that I was sleepy today. *proud* hahaha. School was boring. It has always been boring. Not really sure if I was having a mood swing or something somewhere went wrong, but things people do somehow pissed me off easily. Lol?

Told myself to calm down as Jason Chan was picking me up from school. Didn't want to make him feel bad as well.
Wanted to have lunch at Fantasy but it was closed. So, Capucino was the second choice. Weird name cause its not spelled correctly. Hahahaha. We saw Eric and his friends at the mamak nearby and said hi (cause we the civilized people ;)). It's been a while since I saw him as well as the people from GenY. So much memories made together in that big family. <3 looking forward for the upcoming camp! :)
Headed to the state lib and he helped me out with my addmaths. Wasn't quite productive but oh wells, at least we tried? :p
The best part of going out with the dude is that I can talk whatever shit I want. Same goes to him. Being carefree is nice. :) and to those of you who doesn't know and might be doubting our relationship, he'a already taken. No hope for you, if you happen to find him interesting. LOL.

Oh! The best part of a hangout is eating dessert as well! Went to Blackball for glutinous balls, etc again. Then we were just chilling in his car, talking bout nonsense till my mum picked me up. It was nice catching up with him since he just came back from vacation.
I guess people really change as time passes by. They are not what they used to be anymore. No more being childish at LVL9999, but maybe at LVL999? Hahaha. You'll see. :p

Our fav choice.

Meet my guy bff. :) 
Our faces too stupid for you to handle? Don't worry, this is just one of the pictures we took. :P
Apparently somebody deleted them all as we were too sohai. Pfft.

Okay time to go. I'm still waiting for episode 36 to be uploaded. :( perhaps tomorrow? Ah. 

Good night. Hug your teddies tight. :D

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Ninth month

picture via Google / We Heart It

Welcoming September with an open heart! ;)
Wish you guys all the best in everything (especially those having/preparing for exams). I'm personally looking forward for tomorrow. :)

I chose the picture ^ because I'm very much influenced by the HK drama that everyone has been watching, Triumph in The Skies II. Hahahha I just made a fool out of myself. I do realize that I am lame, at times. Okay.

Okay this is something new. I realize my page views are increasing but I never get to see anyone comment on the chat box beside it. :(
The thing is, I'd really wanna know the people who actually visits my blog. Please do me a favor? :D
Can you guys like reveal yourself by saying hi (with your name) at the chat box? I'm serious and pleaseeee do so?

At the same time, thank you for visiting this lil' blog of mine. :) Very much appreciated.