Sunday, September 8, 2013

Potato couching?

I've been looking at the screen since last night.
Went to the cinema for a midnight movie yesterday. It was quite exciting as I don't think I've ever done that before with my mumzeee. Hhaha.
UNBEATABLE was what we watched. Didn't have a good impression of it as I thought it was only some typical cina action movie. But darn, I was wrong. It was seriously amazing. Great story line, meaningful as well. Together with awesome actors, actresses, and those smoking hot bodies (this is just a bonus ok).

Featuring Eddie Peng & Nick Cheung.

This heartthrob is darn hot. *fangirling* 

& the girl is Crystal Lee from Malaysia. 
Her acting skills were so good she actually won an award for the movie. And she acted in a lot of movies as well! Together with Jay Chou for the previous one leh. Darn jealous she's that talented. She definitely makes us Malaysians proud! :D

I've been slacking for the whole entire day, watching Triumph In The Skies II. Omg tonight is the last ep! I know I should totally start studying now but lol, my ass is somehow attached to the couch.
Been thinking about my future a lot. Not knowing if I can reach what my parents and everybody else in the house aim for. Peer pressure. Why do they think it's darn easy to do something out of their control? Getting a scholarship is something I doubt I can, because I'm not good enough? I should start preparing a plan b if plan a doesn't work.
Well, hope for the best and prepare for the worst. That's all for now. :)

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