Monday, September 2, 2013

Guy bff does exist

I broke a record today. I did not tell my desk mate that I was sleepy today. *proud* hahaha. School was boring. It has always been boring. Not really sure if I was having a mood swing or something somewhere went wrong, but things people do somehow pissed me off easily. Lol?

Told myself to calm down as Jason Chan was picking me up from school. Didn't want to make him feel bad as well.
Wanted to have lunch at Fantasy but it was closed. So, Capucino was the second choice. Weird name cause its not spelled correctly. Hahahaha. We saw Eric and his friends at the mamak nearby and said hi (cause we the civilized people ;)). It's been a while since I saw him as well as the people from GenY. So much memories made together in that big family. <3 looking forward for the upcoming camp! :)
Headed to the state lib and he helped me out with my addmaths. Wasn't quite productive but oh wells, at least we tried? :p
The best part of going out with the dude is that I can talk whatever shit I want. Same goes to him. Being carefree is nice. :) and to those of you who doesn't know and might be doubting our relationship, he'a already taken. No hope for you, if you happen to find him interesting. LOL.

Oh! The best part of a hangout is eating dessert as well! Went to Blackball for glutinous balls, etc again. Then we were just chilling in his car, talking bout nonsense till my mum picked me up. It was nice catching up with him since he just came back from vacation.
I guess people really change as time passes by. They are not what they used to be anymore. No more being childish at LVL9999, but maybe at LVL999? Hahaha. You'll see. :p

Our fav choice.

Meet my guy bff. :) 
Our faces too stupid for you to handle? Don't worry, this is just one of the pictures we took. :P
Apparently somebody deleted them all as we were too sohai. Pfft.

Okay time to go. I'm still waiting for episode 36 to be uploaded. :( perhaps tomorrow? Ah. 

Good night. Hug your teddies tight. :D

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