Sunday, September 29, 2013


As I said.

Tadaaaaa. Last night's group picture! :) credits to Chor.


Today I am unproductively happy. Quite hard to describe the feeling I am feeling but ahhaha. :D

1, I'm feeling better now (as in my body is recovering). Eye no longer swell that much. A little feverish but nah I guess I'm fine.
2, went out (again) with SiewSeem. Hahaha. And today, with this someone special, Tan Weng Foong!
3, visited two new cafes in town!! Hehehe so happy. The Happy 8 and Roquette Cafe.
The Happy 8 was quite hard to find as it doesn't have a signboard. But it has a gigantic wooden door for you to spot. Ahaha. The food there was okay. I love the deco there! Wood themed. Well I still wonder how much trees were cut down for that building. :p it's still under renovation for the hotel section. But it's worth a visit!

Weng is so skinny liao. Aiks. When is my turn to be skinny?? Hahaha. 

Second round at Roquette Cafe which is just next to Burps and Giggles. White themed and is DAP based. They serve typical cafe stuffs. Eg : pies, scones, macaroons, cakes etc. But I tried this Panna Cotta and I find it interesting. Haha. :) 

Lemon cheese cake & blueberry Panna Cotta.
It's a small shop and therefore, you might have to wait. Don't go if you're in a hurry. Haha. 

4, we were so retarded I don't know how to handle my own retardness. We humiliated ourselves by shooting an instavid. View on my Instagram if interested. Lol. Recorded with SiewSeem's phone but she did not save it! And WengFoong left! So I called him to come back and shoot the vid again hahahahaha. I had no idea why he agreed to come back but he did. Oh dear Lord. Epic shitzzzz. 
5, since both of them are currently in Sunway, KL, I'm planning to visit them after trials! Hahaha. That'd be fun omg. So many friends in KL to be visited. Can't wait for the term to end! Ahhhh.

I should have wore blue as well.. To not look so contra. :p

Oh how I love being retarded. Hahaha. :'D

Double Weng alerttttt! 

6, it nice seeing Weng (we call each other Weng) again. Soooooo long since we hang out and talked and laughed together. No worries nor frustrations. Lots of memories flashing back and I remember how we first met and how our friendship bonded within a short period of time. But well, people go apart after high school. I can only say every friendship needs effort to keep strong. Not by one, but both parties to commit themselves for the friendship. I'm happy we've came this far. :) plenty more years of friendship to come! Same goes to SiewSeem. She has been fetching me from/back home so much recently. So thankful for that. :3 
7, last but not least, had Japanese food with mum. Nomnomnom. So much good food in a day! #blessed. Oh hash tags don't work here but who cares? #notme. Hahahha.

Signing off. :)

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