Sunday, September 15, 2013


Hello fellow blog readers.

I've been sulking badly for the past week. Sorry for the negativity but well, we all have our period of time. So haha, I admit. I was pretty pessimistic.
I've been thinking bout things lately. Thinking that I am not worthy and every single shit that brings me down. Since then, I've been radiating lots of negative energy. And I know. It's. not. good.

Ah. I have to thank the few people who are always by my side, listening to all my rants, giving me love and care. Without you people, I don't think I'll be able to get out of this hole.
Most importantly, my mum who brought me to this EQ seminar, which I needed it a lot. I've been out there in the reality for too long. Haven't been listening/doing positive things for quite a while. Haven't been self-motivating as well. And I believe this is umm, quite normal for everyone? :P

After the seminar, I realized that I should increase a little more awareness towards my own acts. Be more mindful of my thoughts, words, and behavior. To most of you who doesn't know me personally, and thinks I'm and effing cocky person, I'll try to prove you wrong by.. Smiling? I know it's hard but try to not label someone by what you see. :P
I know I shouldn't only be focusing on the negatives. Instead, I shall think about the good things that have been happening for me. When I think positive, I attract positives as well. Hah Laws of Attraction. :)
I gained lots of 'protons', making myself positive. Hahhahaha. I know as time goes by, society gives me electrons. Therefore, self-motivate!! :D You (everyone of you out there), too. :)

Good day.

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