Sunday, August 11, 2013


Greetings, everyone! It's been years since I've last blogged.
The purpose of this blog is to share about my trip to Thailand as I really enjoyed myself there. At the same time, I'll try to take up blogging as my hobby again and try to update my blog as often as possible. :)

Well, I just came back to Ipoh last night and I'm still mentally stuck in Thailand! Oh dear Lord. I miss everything back there. :(

Our whole journey was by bus so I'm sure everyone's back and butt ached by the time we reach Thailand. Lol. We departed from Ipoh at 12am and reached Thailand at about 8am? Wasn't quite sure as I was not the time keeper. :P 
Our first meal was at Larn Kao Restaurant for breakfast. The arrangements of the tables were a little packed but the food served was in great variety and pretty scrumptious well. It left me a quite good first impression of Thailand. However, you have to be capable of handling spicy food or you'll have nothing much to eat. :)

Mum and I with a few dishes they serve.

Together with the Law family. :)

It was my first time to Thailand and it wasn't that exciting until I reach the jetty to Koh Lipe, located in the Satun Province of Southwest Thailand.
We took a ferry and the journey lasted for an hour and thirty minutes. People vomited along the way as they get sea sick. Well, thank goodness I wasn't one of them. Yes, I'm feeling very proud. (Y)
We traveled through lorries to get to our chalets, Z-Touch Resort which somehow reminds me of camp. Heh.
Our chalets were good. The scenery of the beach was even better. I'll just let the pictures do the talking. :)

Panorama view from the resort.

Me with the colourful chairs? Haha

This lady is awesome. I still wonder how is she capable of carrying heavy bags like that. *salute*

Mum and I share the same chalet with the Law family. After changing to our swimming attire and applying sunscreen, all of us headed to the swimming pool! Well it might sound boring but we had a lot of fun. Isn't that the most important thing? :) It was nice swimming in the pool without any strangers.

View of the swimming pool and the sea. My idea of paradise.

Next was the beach! In the sea!
The water is so clear you can see your toes down there. I don't lie. :)

Sorry my legs might not be so slim and attractive compared to other hot chicks. 
But I can tell you that my legs enjoyed themselves stepping on the finest sand ever. ;)

Dinner was served later on. Tom Yum soup was available, nearly every single meal of the day. Heh.
We then headed to the Walking Street of Lipe. There were mini marts, bars ;), restaurants, souvenir shops, pancake houses and even hotels along the street. Quite amazed by some of the things they have. :)
Ended the night with some Heineken together with mum and her friends. She has some amazing friends who know how to enjoy life, I must say. Lol.

Pictures of the night :

The following day was a lot more exciting as we visited a few islands, Koh Jabang, Koh Rawi and Koh Hin Ngam which is situated around Koh Lipe.
We took taxi boats and the journey lasted for around 30 minutes to reach our first destination. The sea was pretty rough as it was about to rain. New experience though. ;)

One of the island was Koh Hin Ngam. It's famous for their stones and the curse of it. So yeah, non of all these stones are to be taken away if not, something bad might happen to you. Heh, a lil' creepy for me. 

The rest of the day was spend at 3 different islands.
There was a snorkeling session and it was amazing! Swimming in the ocean in deep waters while looking at the corals beneath me. Fishes swimming everywhere together with thorny and disgusting looking stuffs in the sea. Disgusting but something new. :D The best thing was, I listened to no sound pollution but only the sound of my breath. It was my first time snorkeling and it felt so awesome no words can describe that feeling. How beautiful and majestic our mother nature is. Life oh life.

Dinner was served at one of the restaurants in the Walking Street of Lipe. Food was okay but the crabs weren't that fresh, said my mum. Later, we walked along the street for digestion before heading towards the next round. ;) Guess what I saw. There was a Pooh Bar! At the same time, I was wearing a pooh shirt. Sweet coincident it was! The name of it was cute enough. Hehe. It wasn't only a bar, but a restaurant and bungalows for visitors as well. Not much pictures taken as we were only sight-seeing from the outside.

We then headed to a bar/handicraft shop by Gee and Kim. The place was very well decorated with the theme of 'Gypsy Life'. It's mainly visited by foreigners as the owners speak multiple languages. Good service! :)
I'd say it's one of the best moments throughout the trip. Tried on 5 different types of cocktails that night and for the first time, I was a little tipsy. Good drinker eh? Haha.

Sex on the beach; mint margarita; pink lady; tequila sunrise; long island ice tea. 

Took a walk for about 5 minutes along the beach to get back to our resort. The night sky was filled with stars and it was indeed a romantic scene. We then decided to drink for the second round (heh) and I continued with a few bottles of alcoholic beverages that we bought from one of the marts earlier. We were lying on the beach, watching the night sky while listening to the sound of the waves. Never felt so relaxed for such a long time. Ah, pure enjoyment.

(Don't worry, I was sober and I managed to make my way back to the chalet without any sign of getting drunk except red cheeks. And I woke up the next morning without hangover. :P)


My first time to Thailand was indeed a blast and for the first time, I wasn't homesick. Not even a bit. Lol. I really miss those mornings where I wake up without worries at somewhere far away from home, enjoying the breeze in the air, sound of the waves, the clear blue sea together with the softest sand ever. Then being able to travel around the islands, having sea water as well as rain water splashing on my face, enjoying the wind like I'm the queen of the ocean. How often do I have the chance to enjoy these little things in life? This trip to Koh Lipe was indeed amazing and it surely left me a whole bunch of sweet memories to be remembered.

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