Friday, August 16, 2013


Ahh. Sorry for not blogging for days. I'm currently at Singapore with Joei, my childhood friend for another vacation. Haha. This is gonna be a brief post regarding the post that I was supposed to update about on my previous one. 

Guess what is it. ;) ;) ;)   

I made Dash buy a box of condom. :'D
The reason was, when you see a guy buying condom, you might have assumptions like 'oh he's a responsible boyfriend.' But when you see a girl buying condom, you will have assumptions like 'yerrrrrr slut.'  
So yeah. And he agreed on my reason. ;) Just that he said that I owe him for life (which is not valid) :p

Might look a bit blurry cause his hands were shaking. Lmao.  

Some of you may follow me on twitter and saw one of my tweet about condom. I said it was for some experiment but it's actually a prank for Joann's Sweet Sixteen. Lol. :p Sorry I had to come up with something or else she'll know the prank. Haha.  

Anyway, it was seriously darn funny when I made Dash buy this shit. He even called up his friend to ask how he (the friend) bought it for scouts camp. 
Dash : Hello..? Eh. I wanna ask you right.. Er.. How you buy condom for scouts camp ah? *sounding really shy*  
It was like as if he is buying it for his own needs. Hahahahah.

And the funniest part was, he handed the condom for payment to this guy who isn't the cashier. Of course, that guy gave a smirk. Lololol. The next thing we knew when we went to the real counter to pay, that guy gave Dash a free sample of a condom. So epic I laughed like nobody's business. (The cashier as well as the guy might probably think that we were the one who need the condom -.- but who cares. Ain't nobody got time for that.)   

After all, it was a hilarious moment. And I guess Joann was pretty shocked by the prank. Ahhaha.  

P/s : Everything we did is for fun sake. No other intentions.  (In case you thought of any)

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