Monday, August 12, 2013


I don't think this is too late to say,
SELAMAT HARI RAYA, my fellow Malay buddies! :D


There are quite a lot of things to be happy about today. 
Firstly, there's actually people viewing my blog! More than pleased to know that my pageviews are increasing. Thank you for those who actually reads my blog. You're my motivation to keep blogging. Hahhaha. This sounds like as if I'm receiving a Grammy. 

I finally get to meet some of my friends after a week. Mun picked me up this afternoon to get a fruit basket for Intan at Ipoh Garden South. Then we headed to Scotch Restaurant for brunch and later to Secret Recipe for a slice of cake (Mun forced me to eat most of it but I did not as it will take up room for rendang chicken later! :P) Tapao-ed brownies for our beloved Kiew then proceeded to Intan's place. We spent time chilling and letting the stomach do its job before taking in more foooooood. :P Oh and then, Intan and I went out to lead Kyshilla to her house, on her bike, without helmet, and her license. Felt so young, wild a free. ;D 

Pictures of the day : 
P/S : Girls are going to be girls.

I don't know why but I like this shot a lot. :3

Why is HoayYing the only being so normal. Pfft. 

Tengok host tu. Banyak pattern.

Beeeeffeff. <3

And group picture. :) *credits to Kiew for the picture*

I went home after tuition and dinner at my grandparents' place (together with some driving lessons ;)) and.. guess what I saw on my table! *drumrolls*


I was so happy and I smiled all the way reading it. Hehe.
Thank you so much, Chor. I really appreciate it. So sweet of you to send postcards that you bought during your trip to Europe. :3 It made my day! <3

Her neat handwriting surprised me and it took so long for the postcard to arrive! Lol.

Mum found a video online and we started watching it together. I guess you should take a look at it as well. It left me an impact and made me realize things that I've been taking for granted. So thankful that there are producers making such meaningful videos to open up our hearts. Well, it's just a video after all. It wouldn't hurt watching. Do check it out here. :)

That's all for now.
I'm feeling really good and I feel like praying (wow). So yeah. Lol.

Thank you God for this wonderful day spent with lovely people in my life.
Thank you for keeping me save and sound, and for the good good food I had throughout the day.
I pray for your endless guidance towards my family, friends and I. 
Amen. :)

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